The value of a share of KTI's stock today is closest to 9.5% , 0.004375
Investment Investment (ROI) is an investment performance metric used to evaluate or compare the success of a variety of investment operations.
In addition to the spending price, ROI aims to explicitly calculate the make value of a single project.
g = retention rate
ROI = 0.75*13% = 9.5%,
Price = 1.75/(0.10-0.0975) = 0.004375
Total debt ratio is the ratio of total debt to total assets
Total debt ratio = Total debt / Total assets
But Total assets is nothing but total equity plus total debt
Now let us consider,
TD = Total debt
TE = Total equity
TA= Total assets
Total debt ratio = TD/TA
But as mentioned above
TA = TD + TE
total debt ratio = Total debt/(total debt+total equity)
total debt ratio = .34(given)
.34 = TD / (TD + TE)
Solving this equation yields:
0.34 = 1/(1+ TE/TD)
0.34(1+TE/TD) = 1
0.34 + 0.34TE/TD =1
.34(TE/TD) = 1 - 0.34
0.34 (TE/TD) = 0.66
0.34TE = 0.66TD
Now, Debt equity ratio is the ratio of Total debt to total equity
Debt-equity ratio = TD / TE
Debt-equity ratio = 0.34 / 0.66
Debt-equity ratio = 0.51515152
An express warranty
Express warranties can be made in writing, orally or even inferred by the salesperson's conduct. Even if the salesperson made a mistake by offering an express warranty, it is still valid. An express warranty states that a good or service will specifically be a certain way, or perform in a certain way. When a salesperson shows a model of the good, that is considered a express warranty that the good will be the same as the model.
C. Private limited company
Ownership in a private limited company is restricted, unlike in a public limited company. The shareholders of a private limited company are usually family members, close friends, or people with a shared interest.
A private limited company can raise capital by selling additional shares. Because becoming a shareholder in a private limited company is restricted, private companies raise capital by selling shares to existing shareholders or to invited investors.
the health care because it is very expensive benefit