Anaerobic, heterotrophic procaryotes
The experiments demonstrate the movement of pollutants through the ground water.
The sand and gravel make up the ground the water represents the ground water. The food coloring represents the pollutants.
Answer: Homocystine
Homo cysteine is the amino acid which is found in the cheddar cheese, eggs, chicken and beef it is also been linked to cardiovascular disease.
It helps in promoting the blood clotting, damage the inner linking of blood vessels and promote the thickening and loss of flexibility in the blood vessels.
So, the amino acid Homocystine is found in beef, chicken and has been linked with the cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer disease.
The answer is; NO
What is described in the question is weather, not climate. The two are different. Weather, which is the measure the local atmosphere in a short period of time, may fluctuate drastically within this short period. Temperatures, for example, can reach 30 degrees during the day and fall to 10 degrees in the night. However, climate is the study of weather over a long period of time such as over 30 years.
He founded the strongest evidence for the evolution theory.
Charles Darwin is known as the father of evolution. He explained theory of natural selection and its important role in evolution. The Darwin went on Galapagos Island with his ship HMS beagle.
Darwin returned after 23 years and published his book On the Origin of Species. Darwin Took long time because he had realized that his ideas on the theory of evolution is revolutionary and need time to build the evidence. The collection of evidence for the presentation of the strongest for the role of natural selection in evolution.