Answer AND Explanation:
Gnetophytes are gymnosperms
, they are woody and the embryo has two cotyledons
. Cycads are woody plants that produce seeds found in Subtropical and warm temperate regions and also they produce motile sperm cells.
A set of paradigms or views shaped by one's background, culture and education which determine the way an individual or a group evaluate and find solutions to the existing environmental problems.
Environmental value system (EVS) is a view of a subject that transforms the way an individuals or the society thinks, view and evaluate environmental issues.
Their ideas and views is influenced by cultural, economic and socio-political background.
Factors such as education, media and religious doctrines are inputs in ESV that enhance perception.
Information are processed and changes perceptions of the environment by an individual and also changes decisions.
The classical astronomers concluded that heavens were made up of a sphere, because heavens were thought to be perfect and spheres (circles) are a perfect shape. It was Plato who argued that geometrical figures were spheres and everyone agreed to him. It was also believed that the perfect motion of spheres was a uniform circular rotation.
This definition suits that of "HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES"
Homologous chromosomes are similar pairs of chromosomes i.e. in length, gene positioning and centromere location (one from each parent) but not identical. Homologous chromosomes are not identical in the sense that, alleles on each pair may be different, resulting in genetic variation of the offspring.
Using humans as a case study, a karyotype (pictorial display of chromosomal arrangement) shows the complete set of chromosomes, which has two complete set (diploid). Each human cell contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, with each pair contributed by each parent i.e. 46 chromosomes in total. Every chromosome pair represents a set of homologous chromosome.