specific to the situation in which we find ourselves.
Schema: In psychology, the term schema is defined as an individual's cognitive framework that helps him or her to interpret and organize a piece of particular information. It also leads an individual to ignore or avoid certain information and look for only those things that conform to his or her formerly present ideas and beliefs.
Through schema, an individual tends to knows what should he or she expect from a specific situation or experience.
In the question above, the given statement's results support the idea that schemas are specific to the situation in which we find ourselves.
<span>Marbury v. <span>Madison
Hope that helps!
When the price level falls, businesses are unable to sell their products at a price high enough to cover costs they have already incurred, putting producers at risk of failure
Communism is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
also, Communism is a philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state
We will anaylze this scenario with the help of operant conditioning, which is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher. Reinforcer is any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.
Skinner states that "Beahvior is determined and controlled by the stimuli that are present in a given situation"
According to Skinner, when you take an aspirin for your headache, taking the aspirin is a negative reinforcer whereas the headache is an operant.