The bison were exterminated due to rising of cattle culture across Great Plains and the west. With guns becoming popular in their existence the killing of buffalo became easier. Even with the native Americans who were gaining knowledge and some experience with guns. Buffalo were free range, while the government wanted control. We wanted a say over land, over every species, and eventually, through the years our government has done that.
Thomas Nast was a political cartoonist and illustrator during the progressive errra. He used the drawings to fight for causes that he believed in.
The Chinese Revolution of 1911. In October of 1911, a group of revolutionaries in southern China led a successful revolt against the Qing Dynasty, establishing in its place the Republic of China and ending the imperial system.
Japan started actively participating in attacks on North Korea.
South Korean citizens stopped trying to actively reunify the country with the North.
Many of these new immigrants were coming from eastern and southern Europe and for many English-speaking, native-born Americans of northern European descent the growing diversity of new languages, customs, and religions triggered anxiety and racial animosity.