The correct answer is He shows his confidence in Americans citizens' ability to contribute to the war effort. This is for Apex
Chinese americans moved west and also the Cherokee Indians back than where they were forced to move west then they got killed and that is why they call it the trail of tears because some who made it to the west and others who didn't, they call it the trail of tears because they still got killed either way.
Taking on the view of someone following God, God said when creating the earth to work 6 days and to keep the 7th holy. He even says in the 10 commandments to keep the Sabbath holy (which Is the 4th commandment). So not keeping the Sabbath was basically disobeying God which is why its so important for followers of Judaism (and Judea-Christians) to keep it holy/a day of rest.
They moved into Alaska during an Ice Age when there was ice from Eastern Asia and they walked to Alaska