This is important because if you were to answer in complex fractions instead of its simplest form, you would have a tough time multiplying complex fractions together. You would get a HUGE denominator or numerator, which makes things difficult. It is important to write a fraction in its simplest form because of exactly that; making things simple. Would you rather multiply 64/132*64/132 or 1/2*1/2?
You are counting by 10s so the answer is 40,50,60,70,80
the complete sequence: 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
the graph does not represent a function cause when you make a t chart and put all of the points on it some of the y's have the same x. to have a liniar function the x points and the y points have to be to one another accept the y points can have two of the different x points. you can also do the vertical line test to se if it is a function.
the answer is c.
This the answer but it words because i didn't really wanna type all those numbers but just transfer this into numbers and you'll have the simplified version :)
x to the 4 power minus 4x to the third power minus 2x squared plus 12x plus 9
Step-by-step explanation:
Hey there!
Part a) Distance from Wrexham to Oswetry: 15 miles.
Part b) Ruthin to Oswestry: 33 miles.
Total distance travelled for Part b= 33(5), or 165 miles.