B. Closeness to the sea and favorable climate are factors taken into consideration for optimum farming and herding conditions.
Answer:2 change february to February
This is a common pronoun hence one has to use a capital letter for a pronoun. Those are the name for things like the names of the cities or schools , general terms for common things.
Probably my ability to speak another language because I can communicate with other people.
I would say some people take, individual differences too personally, and then conflict starts, people fight, argue, even start wars.
Livres from 1789 were the currencies used during that period. It was the currency of France and it had several types and some existed concurrently. Livre was actually established by a French named Charlemagne and it was used as a unit of account and that was equal to one pound of silver. The word Livre has been derived from the Latin word Libra. Libra is originally a Roman unit for weight measurement. The first Livre that was used was known by the name of Livre Carolingienne.Befor the use of Livre as a currency of France, the denier was used as a commonly used currency.