The marginal cost is how much it costs to produce one item more. It cost 0$ to produce 0 bikes but if you make one, then it costs 80$. Hence the marginal cost for the first bike is 80$. For the fourth bike, we have that the 3 bikes cost 110$ and the 4 bikes cost 130$. Hence it costs 20$ dollars to produce one more bike (from 3rd to 4th) and hence the marginal cost is 20$. Similarly for the 6th bike, we compare the cost of producing 5 bikes to the cost of producing 6 bikes and we get that the marginal cost is 50$. Applying the same methodology, the marginal cost for the 7th bike is 60$.
A theodicy is an attempt to justify or defend God in the face of evil by answering the following problem, which in its most basic form involves these assumptions: God is all good and all powerful (and, therefore, all knowing). The universe/creation was made by God and/or exists in a contingent relationship to God.
Yes, i have.
There was an aunt of mine who has been diagnosed with late stage of lung cancer. Every hospitals that we went said that there is nothing that they can do execept alleviate the pain for her last moments.
At that time, the whole family decided to tell her that everything is going to be okay and opted for the pain relieving treatment.
At that time, i could see that the whole family is being dishonest, since they now every thing is not going to be okay and considering telling my aunt about it.. But i somehow understand because they do it out of compassion and not because they had harmful intention.
There are multiple possible answers. One is that it's mouse droppings since mice like to eat it. Another is that it's bugs and this is dangerous since they can leave larva there. The third is that they are remaining residue traces from other types of oats that were ground together and in this case it is not that dangerous.
Preteen girls and teenage girls tend to be the most concerned and aware of their appearance. This is the time when makeup starts showing up.