First, we need to find out what number goes into 194 and 120 both evenly.
Both numbers end in a number divisible by two. 4 and 2. So tat tells us that we can divide both 194 and 120, by two.
Our new simplified fraction, is 97/60. And there is no other number that can divide evenly with theses two numbers: 97 and 60, anymore.
And if you want it as a mixed number, then fin out how many times 60 goes in to 97.
60 only goes in 97 one time.
so our whole number is going be 1 while we keep the same denominator 60.
And subtract 60 from 97 to get our new numerator.97-60=37
Our mixed number is 1 37/60.
Maybe too much but I think I helped :)