Glossopteris and Lystrosaurus
Glossopteris is an ancient plant flora and Lystrosaurus is a fossil fauna, and both are found in many of the landmasses on earth. The Glossopteris flora appeared about 300 to 200 million years back and the Lystrosaurus appeared about 250 million years back on earth. They both existed from the time of late Permian to early Triassic age.
Both these fossils played an important role in understanding the continental drift theory or the plate tectonic theory. This evidence enabled geologists to understand how the continents have moved across the large ocean basin from one place to another and at what rate they are drifting currently. It helped in understanding how the super-continent Pangaea had broken into Laurasia and Gondwanaland, and further broken into the present location of the plates.
That's correct - it's a square where on one axis, the paternal allele (allele = one of the possible forms of the same gene), and on another the maternal allele is listed. Often, it's also indicated whether an allele is recessive or dominant.
Then, in the table that results, all the possible "combinations" of allele between the paternal and maternal party are created. If you count how often a certain combination appears, it indicates the likelihood of that combination.
See the picture (though it is directly from Wikipedia, please note). The likelihood of BB is 25%, of Bb is 50%, and of bb 25%.
Both answers C and D are correct, however, answer D makes more sense.
Bolus is the food that is mashed up in your mouth. After it is digested in the stomach, the food is called chyme. Bolus is more alkaline than chyme because it is exposed to alkaline saliva.