The fecal coliform is a strain of bacteria which can be found in colonies in the digestive tract of humans and animals. It comes out along with the fecal discharge from the body. It is likely to be present in the farm runoff because it can be an ingredient of cattle dung based manure which could be used in farm land. Also will be present in the feedlot because of the daily discharge of dung by the cattles in the feedlot. In the septic tank the human or animal fecal matter will exhibit a colony of the coliform bacteria. If the solid and liquid matter from any of these discharges enters into a fresh water body will likely to cause pollution because of the presence of fecal colliform. It results in appearance of foul smell in water and likely to deteriorate the quality.
The correct answer is a = increase in fecal coliforms.
Hello! Let's solve this!
Coliform fecal bacteria are bacteria that cause intestinal problems. A subgroup is Escherichia coli. These bacteria are found in the intestines of people and animals but there are some that can cause diseases.
The correct answer is a = increase in fecal coliforms.
The chart very nicely lays out the amino acid each codon corresponds to. You're looking for "trp" in the chart, which only appears once, beside the UGG codon. Therefore, only one codon codes for tryptophan.
This problem is just a normal math equation. You divide the price by how much space you are covering to get the smallest ratio(15 million divided by 1.8 million). After dividing you get the answer of $8.33 per cubic yard.
Mammals is the type of organism that least naturally
reproduced by cloning. Mammals reproduced by Sexual reproduction typically
requires the sexual interaction of two specialized organisms, called gametes,
which contain half the number of chromosomes of normal cells and are made by
meiosis, which usually a male fertilizing a female.