Accra, Ghana: 5° 33' N / 02° 11' W
Algiers, Algeria: 36° 45' N / 3° 2' E
Cairo, Egypt: 30° 2' N / 31° 14' E
Cape Town, South Africa: 33° 55' S / 18° 25' E
Dakar, Senegal: 14° 45' N / 17° 19' W
Djibouti, Djibouti: 11° 49' N / 42° 35' E
Lusaka, Zambia: 15° 24' S / 28° 17' E
Nairobi, Kenya: 1° 17' S / 36° 49' E
Windhoek, Namibia: 22° 33' S / 17° 4' E
Its like special needs for the few! And its on prime Time
Within-Subjects Experiments
Within-Subjects Designs: this is a form of experimental design in which the participants involved is exposed or subjected to all the conditions.
However, in this case, Alberto, is using Within-Subject Designs (simultaneous) by exposing all the participants to answer arithmetic problems while listening to metal, and then country, and finally classical music simultenously.
The multiple conditions here are: arithmetic problems to solve, listening to different types of music in a sequence that mixed the different types.
Southern states were known as the cotton kingdom because the cotton population in the south was rapidly growing. Rich plantation owners would grow cotton and sell them to the New England region to make clothes etc.