ranforce = randi([0, 12]);
if (ranforce == 0)
disp('There is no wind')
else if(ranforce>0 && ranforce <7)
disp('There is a breeze')
else if(ranforce>6 && ranforce <10)
disp('This is a gale')
else if(ranforce>9 && ranforce <12)
disp('It is a storm')
else if(ranforce==12)
disp('Hello, Hurricane!')
<em>Replace all switch case statements with if and else if statements.</em>
<em>An instance is:</em>
<em>case {7,8,9}</em>
<em>is replaced with</em>
<em>else if(ranforce>9 && ranforce <12)</em>
<em>All other disp statements remain unchanged</em>
Answer: The number of players and spectators present, as well as the maximum number of players and spectators allowed.
Explanation: players
The application andy wants to use is adobe photoshop
def leap_year(y):
if y % 4 == 0:
return 1
return 0
def number_of_days(m,y):
if m == 2:
return 28 + leap_year(y)
elif m == 1 or m == 3 or m == 5 or m == 7 or m == 8 or m ==10 or m == 12:
return 31
elif m == 4 or m == 6 or m == 9 or m == 11:
return 30
def days(m,d):
if m == 1:
return 0 + d
if m == 2:
return 31 + d
if m == 3:
return 59 + d
if m == 4:
return 90 + d
if m == 5:
return 120 + d
if m == 6:
return 151 + d
if m == 7:
return 181 + d
if m == 8:
return 212 + d
if m == 9:
return 243 + d
if m == 10:
return 273 + d
if m == 11:
return 304 + d
if m == 12:
return 334 + d
def days_left(d,m,y):
if days(m,d) <= 60:
return 365 - days(m,d) + leap_year(y)
return 365 - days(m,d)
print("Please enter a date")
day=int(input("Day: "))
month=int(input("Month: "))
year=int(input("Year: "))
choice=int(input("Menu:\n1) Calculate the number of days in the given month.\n2) Calculate the number of days left in the given year.\n"))
if choice == 1:
print(number_of_days(month, year))
if choice == 2:
Hoped this helped
Pie chart I believe that is the right answer