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B cells are a type of white blood cells of a subtype called lymphocytes. They confer acquired or adaptive immunity. This means that B lymphocytes responses to infective microbes are from the memories of their previous encounter with the microbes or antigens.
B lymphocytes fight bacteria and viruses by making Y-shaped proteins called antibodies. These antibodies are specific for each pathogen encountered. They identify and lock on to the surface of invading pathogenic cells and mark and present them for destruction by other immune cells.
Oftentimes, these antibodies are enough to fight off most bacterial infections that we have and therefore there's no need for extensive treatment with drugs.
I wouls say A. Camouflage, because the definition of camouflage is hide or disguise the presence of a (person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage. (Verb)
-Presence of jointed appendages and gills, lungs, jaws.
-Presence of a chitinous external skeleton or exoskeleton that change periodically.
-Body constituted by repetitive segments, phenomenon known as metamerism<span>.</span>
<span>I hope this help,</span>
<span> Sebastian Goicoechea.</span>
Someone wants to have smoke in the air at a laser show because It's the dust particles or mist droplets which reflect the light of the laser. When you see a laser beam, what you are seeing is the beam being scattered by various small particles suspended in the air. ... When people want to show off laser beams, they often add smoke or equivalent to the air.