The experiment as more enjoyable than participants in the other two groups
Clearing the land to raise crops
During the process to clear the land, humans began to understand how to deal with plants, and which species are better adapted to that kind of land. Plus, while understanding how to plant and crops, humans also tried to create tools and techniques to obtain the better of the plantation. A good example is the use of canals to control the water and to use it in the plantation, but especially how to organize each part of the plantation.
Law of Effect.
Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949) was an American psychologist and researcher, and one of the pioneers of behavioral psychology. Thorndike's experiments with cats led him to discover a psychological pattern he called the Law of Effect. According to this law, if faced with similar or recurring situations, we tend to repeat the behaviors that resulted in satisfying or positive consequences, while we don't tend to repeat the behaviors that resulted in unpleasant or negative consequences. One application of this principle was a learning method based on rewards and punishments called operant conditioning, developed by another well-known American psychologist and author, B. F. Skinner, in the early 20th century.
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A. True because they are more likely to be voted as leaders.