Width = 65 yards
Length = 120 yards
The other answer is not correct, because it wants you to find another rectangle with the SAME perimeter but SMALLER area. Words are very tricky, especially in math.
Step-by-step explanation:
The rectangular field is 110 yards long and 75 yards wide. The length is 110 yards and the width is 75 yards.
To find the perimeter, just add the four sides, which is:

It wants you to find another rectangle that has the SAME perimeter but SMALLER area (The area of this rectangle is 8250 yards squared.)
There are many answers for this one.
One such answer could be 120 yards long and 65 yards wide, which also:
It also gives 370. This is a rectangle with the SAME perimeter but SMALLER area (the area of this one is 7800 yards squared.)