Mary's target heart rate is 103 beats per minute (bpm).
Your question is poorly written, but as far as what was read the best thing would be a longitudinal study since you could see the evolution over time of the twins.
Longitudinal studies, unlike cross-sectional studies, are studies that analyze a factor in a population over time, thus analyzing the possible variables that occurred in those years, months or days. In simple words, the evolution over time is what a longitudinal study is based on (On the other hand, not a transversal one, since it would investigate a specific problem at a specific moment in time)
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii what ca doin
The main pointer to choking would be the child's skin.
The child's skin looks blue due to the blood. Blood that is rich in oxygen looks red, while blood with little to no amounts of oxygen appears dark blue. The dark blue, poorly oxygenated blood is showing through the skin, warning the person that the infant is choking.
A) The source is probably not valid because it is based on an opinion.
He or she that wrote it did not go into a lab and see if the resources are true its just based on what he thinks it is.