Let's say for example that the business is taking in $2000 of revenue. That is the amount that the business collected for it's services - like for fixing the computer. What if though it costs $500 for the equipment (that's an expense). Now they only made $1500. Now the customer complains and says that the computer isn't fixed properly so the company sends out a techie for 2 additional hours. They need to pay their employee (another expense). Now the $1500 is down to $1400. They would have utilities to keep their lights on and insurance and many other expenses.
Your profit looks like this:
Profit = Revenue - Expenses
Adding more links to the page.
User experience design, UED, is a concept or a process of software development application life cycle that graphically presents a clients project to reflect the needs, want and interactivity of the users.
There are certain principles that governs the design of user interactive web and mobile interfaces. A user interface has to be simple, easy to interact with, give a good feel, signing into email, phone, laptop, mobile app etc, should also be made easy.
Covering the screen with link, makes it difficult to navigate without triggering a link.
The office is a good one. If you haven’t ever watched it
In the Philippines, universities dominate the research arena. So you have scientists who make research for the sake of research.
The private sector may or may not adopt the research. If a research in UP finds a molecule that may kill cancer, we are not sure whether that research will be adopted or not.
We are not sure if that research will be continued to actual creation of a medicine of cancer. This is because our scientists are working in universities and not in actual pharma companies.
In other countries, the scientists build their own companies. So their research go from drug development to actual manufacturing and marketing of medicines.
So when they start a research, you know that in the next 5 to 10 years, these scientists will produce drugs which the public can benefit from.
This is why the Philippine research is not thriving as it should. Our government should support our start ups.
When scientists are given grants for research, they should also be given grants to start their company. Unfortunately, start up grant is not a function of the DOST. It is of the DTI.
Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world.