2) "Multiple drugs are necessary because the bacteria are likely to develop resistance to just one drug."
Tuberculosis is caused by multiple bacteria, and these bacteria can easily develop resistance if only one antibiotic is used. Current medical research recommends the usage of several antibotics in the treatment of Tuberculosis for these same reasons.
Esta danza alegre y pintoresca, con gran relevancia en sus vestuarios coloridos se celebra tradicionalmente en Ecuador, como forma de conmemorar a los ancestros Incas. Se caracteriza por marchar al compas de la música, este ritual tradicional es muy significativo para la provincia que lo lleva a cabo todos los años.
Perhaps her existing schemas are affecting the way she encodes experiences.
In psychology, the term schema refers to patterns of behavior. This pattern serves to organize the information and knowledge that you have, and which you will gain throughout your life. So, her schema stores the information, which affects her experiences.