d. adrenal; cortisol
Henry works the night shift at a convenience store. He sees a man entering the store with his hood up, hands in his pockets, and eyes darting around. This causes Henry’s stress level to surge. At times of stress, pituitary hormones activate the <u>adrenal</u> gland, which releases other hormones, including <u>cortisol</u>, that travel throughout the body and brain to provide a general "wake up" message
The adrenal gland releases cortisol a hormone which increases sugar level in the blood stream, is responsible for alertness and is also important for the fight-or-flight function of the body.
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El desarrollo de las guerras civiles entre los conquistadores, influenció en el Virreinato del Perú al grado en que existieron varios conflictos durante los años posteriores a la conquista del imperio Inca por parte de los Españoles.
Esos conflictos y guerras civilices entre los conquistadores Españoles fueron el resultado de la avaricia y la descontrolada ambición del poder. El Perú siempre ha contado con inmensas riquezas naturales y materias primas. y los conquistadores ambicionaron tener esas riquezas, y ese fue uno de los motivos principales de tanto conflicto.
La última guerra o rebelión de los encomenderos fue a manos de Francisco Hernández Girón, antes de la llegada del virrey de Mendoza quien pudo al fin traer relativa paz a la región andina del Perú.
Tasks that involve identification of an object would be expected to activate neurons of the <u>ventral stream</u>, while tasks that identify the location of an object would activate the <u>dorsal stream</u>.
The visual information is transferred to the temporal lobe from the primary visual cortex through the pathway of a ventral stream. The ventral stream conveys information related to object form and recognition.
The ventral stream is used for vision perception, while the dorsal stream is used for vision action.
The action and recognition of the location of the objects in space is carried out by dorsal stream. The dysfunction of the dorsal stream may lead to complexity of a visual scene and reduced visual perceptions.
capitalist class
In simple words, as per the sociologist Dennis Gilbert The 'capitalist class' is considered to be the population of individuals who own the factors of production and hire workers.
'In the industrial world they have an upper hand as they prefer to extract the jobs from the workers to the labourers to retain the income. The employees are sacrificing their desire to earn their daily pay and hard work.