The western side of America is known to be as the region of Great Plains. The area with mountains and desert led the region to be famously known for Indians, cowboys, outlaws, prospectors, and covered wagons on trails. With no river system and roads to connect with the other side of America, railways became major transportation in supplying crops.
In this case, Joshua's shopping behavior is a result of b. the socialization process.
Socialization is the process through which people learn and internalize social norms, behaviors, customs, and ideologies. Socialization is important for individuals to understand how society functions and to become a member of it, acting according to its rules and accepted behaviors. Family members are certainly a major influence on an individual's socialization process. That is what we can observe in Joshua's case. He has learned his shopping behavior from his mother. He has accepted her ideas and opinions, taking them in as his own.
It is worth taking a closer look at the legal changes introduced by Salvini, ... Salvini succeeded in passing two laws on immigration and security in Italy. ... who were denied asylum in Italy would rise to 140,000 within two years.
I think yhey should just for safety