Heat is transferred through multiple things, electricity, light, radiation, friction, even freezing things if it is freezed enough.
Number 2 is b, number 3 is C.
B. Social Inequality
Social inequality is the unequal sharing of resources and social rewards.
Monmouth university
west king branch,NJ
Michigan state university east lansing, MI
University of Massachusetts amherst amherst, MA
university of California- irvine
irvine, CA
Oregon state university
corvallis, OR
Answer:a Certificate of Confidentiality
What is a Certificate of Confidentiality?
A certificates of confidentiality is used to protect sensitive information of the subjects involved in a research from leaking into the public or into anyone else who is not part of the research unless otherwise stated by the subject to do so in particular or exceptional situations.
The kindergarten children who are involved in this research will need this kid of a certificates in order for their parents to be sure that the sensitive and personal information collected from these kids is never leaked into the public without their consent.