Answer: It has been preserved and is as it was the day Roosevelt died.
Explanation: That's a significant thing about the little White House for Roosevelt.
Que la primera guerra mundial fue consecuencia directa del nuevo
imperialismo de las principales potencias del siglo XIX, la más
interesada en la guerra era Reino Unido ya q Alemania estaba emergiendo
desde su unificación como la primera potencia y amenazaba fuertemente su
industria y marina, la otra gran interesada era Francia ya q después d
la derrota en la guerra franco prusiana quería la revancha para
recuperar Alsacia y Lorena, ahora a todo este ambiente d tención
cualquier pretexto era bueno para comenzar la guerra, pero en si lo q
pretendía el imperialismo d principios del siglo XX era tener el mayor
número d colonias para tener el mayor número d productos para la
El imerialismo antes d la segunda guerra mundial no fue el mismo q en el
caso anterior, ya q el mundo apenas se recuperaba de la crisis d 1929,
fue en esta época cuando Reino Unido alcanzo su máxima extensión
colonial sin embargo aquí el detonante fue la ideología d Hitler d
recuperar territorios perdidos y d expandir Alemania lo q causó la
Segunda Guerra Mundial cuando invadio Polonia, cabe destacar q después d
la segunda guerra mundial la mayoría d los países africanos y d las
colonias británicas se independizaron </span>
Concrete operational
Piaget was a psychologist who developed a theory on cognitive development from birth to adolescence according to which people go through different stages in their process of thinking developing a more mature and rational thinking as they grow.
One of the stages of this development is called the Concrete Operational stage and it takes place during the ages of 7 to 11. During this stage children start using logic as a way of thinking and start realizing how other people feel and view different situations (and therefore they are less egocentric). One of the main milestones of this period is the development of the concept of conservation: They start understanding that when we take some liquid from a container and move it to a different container, the amount of liquid remains the same, for example.
Therefore, it is in the Concrete Operational stages where a child would have just developed the ability to conserve.
Saudi Arabia's government is an <u>autocratic monarchy</u>.
Autocracy is a form of government in which the nation is controlled and ruled by only one person. History says that Adolf Hitler is an autocrat.
Monarchy is a form of government in which one person takes the power of ruling by heredity and rules the nation. Queen Elizabeth II is a monarch.
Some of the countries that follow autocratic monarchy are Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Brunei and Eswatini.
If an individual proves himself as a dictator and overthrows the existing government, he/she can get a chance to be the autocratic leader.
Papyrus also grew along the river banks which Egyptians turned into paper to write and keep records on. Further away from the Nile was the desert or the “red land.” The red land was a natural barrier against enemy invaders. The geographic features of Ancient Egypt also contributed its economy and religion.