2 NH3+ 2 O2 —> 2 NO+ 3 H2O
Well bro lemme tell u,
by connecting batteries, you can increase the voltage, amperage, or both.
Answer: 1) A solid product of a chemical reaction that is in aqueous form.
Answer: it started too rot over time mold over time and decay and if you cooked a apple it would melt like ice cream cause of the heat waves and if the apple is surrounded by air i think what would happen it would still rot I guess but i wouldnt know for sure cause things with air take time too rot and things with air rot faster and slicing the apple into more pieces would make it decay or rot or mold faster cause its open and accepting everything it sees like bacteria bugs all that
Explanation: like the longer a apple is left half open it starts too rot then mold over time getting all bad and not good too eat or decay
read it all the stuff is in there i think