Reduce interest rates to make it easier for businesses to obtain new loans and expand commerce.
Also, create tax inventives for desired business that would benefit say a nation that is on a coastal waterway. Offerring a reduction in taxes paid by corporations that import and export goods and services. This attracting more business.
Investment in hospitals and other health care facilities to modernize their operations.
what do you need help with', though
From a personal experience they're a lot of moments in my life that led up to my decision to choose my career. From being constantly told that I was really good at something and that I was made for this certain career path, and just influences from others who are in the same work I am in and how good they were at their job and inspiring me to be just like them. All of those together helped influence me to choose the career that I am now working hard everyday to make sure I achieve success in.
Hope this helps.
Violation of intellectual property rights is known as infringement. The most common infringements are appropriating someone else's property rights without authorization and using something else's property without paying for it.
For example a patent infringement happens when a company uses someone else's patent for producing their owns products or services, e.g. copy cell phone technologies.
Another common example is copyright infringement that happens when someone downloads a movie, song or software from the internet without paying a fee.