The greatest common factor, or GCF, is quite self-explanatory. Between two numbers, you have to find the greatest number that can be divided by both numbers without any remainder. This is useful in solving addition and subtraction operations involving fractions. The technique to do this is to place the numbers to the right. Then, place the factors to the left. I'm gonna show the solution so that you can understand better.
4 | 12 28 24
| 3 7 6
Since all numbers can be divided by 4, you place it on the left side. Then, place the quotients on the next row below. Since, there is no more common factor, it ends with the 2nd row. Then, multiply all the left numbers with the numbers in the very last column.
GCF = 4×3×7×6
GCF = 504
Step-by-step explanation:
There are 52/4 diamonds in the deck and 4 '5's in the dech of cards
52/4 = 13 + 4 = 17
Therefore, you have a chance of drawing one of those cards.
There are 13 hearts in the deck and 4 jacks. Therefore, your odds are the same :
There are 4 jacks in a deck of cards and 4 '8's in a deck of cards
Therefore your probability is which simplifies to
<em>As per brainly guidelines I can only answer 3 questions in one answer</em>
After 3 visits both plans will cost the same.
Step-by-step explanation:
Gym A costs $26.76 plus an additional $4 for each visit.
Gym B has no initial fee but costs $12.92 for each visist.
The cost for gym A can be written as
C= $26.76 + 4(x) where x is the number of visits to the gym A
The cost for gym B can be written as
C= $12.92 (x) where x is the number of visits to the gym B
Both costs will be equal
12.92x= 26.76 +4x
12.92x-4x= 26.76
8.92x= 26.76
x= 26.76/8.92
x= 3
after 3 visits both plans will cost the same.
12.92x= 26.76 +4x
12.92*3= 26.76 +12
38.76= 38.76