B) The Senate investigation spurred by the leaks to the media from "Deep Throat," later claimed to be Federal Bureau of Investigation bureaucrat Mark Felt.
Watergate Scandal was one of the most highlighted scandal in the U.S history where five-member broke in the Watergate office of the Democratic National Committee and found with lots of cash and record tapes and Nixon administration tries to cover up the matter. Deep throat was the name given to the person who shared evidence of connection of the Nixon administration and Watergate scandal. Later the name of deep throat was revealed as Mark Felt.
Lord Wellesley set up this policy to bring the state under British control
Driving under the influence
Eyes not on the road
Not enough driving experience
Bad weather (snow)
I think the answer would be fixed ration schedule of reinforcement. It is the type that would yield the highest rate of response. Schedule of reinforcement are rules that would contain what behaviors that will have consequences and what are these consequences and degree of the punishment
Men believe communication should have a clear purpose, but women use communication to discover how she feeling and tell what she wants to say.