Answer: The book of Genesis was completed around 1513 B.C.E and finished about C. 96. The book: "What can the Bible teach us?" expresses in: (Chapter 2: The Bible a book from God) "The bible is a gift from God. It gives us information we can't find anywhere else... The bible is "inspired by God." (2 Timothy 3:16) But some may think, 'The Bible was written by men, so how can it be from God?' The Bible answers: "Men spoke from God as they were moved [or guided] by holy spirit (other versions of the bible say the Holy Ghost), (2 Peter 1:21). This is similar to a businessman telling his secretary to write a letter. Who is the author of the letter? It is the businessman, not the secretary. In the same way, the Author of the Bible is God, not the men he used to write it. God guided them to write his thoughts. The Bible really is “the word of God.”—1 Thessalonians 2:13." What is prof of this? The prof that the Bible comes from God and not from men? Firstly, the Bible is scientifically accurate, when we read Job 26: 7 it states: "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." Here, Job say's the Earth hangs upon nothing and that is true. Back then, people thought that the Earth hanged behind the backs of turtles and snakes, but, now science has found that the Bible was correct and the Earth hangs over nothing. And, before the discovery that the Earth was round people back then thought that the Earth was rectangular. But, the Bible already stated about the Earth: "There is one who dweels above the circlr of the Earth"---> Isaiah 40:22
Explanation: "What can the Bible teach us", states: "It took more than 1,600 years to write the Bible. Its writers lived at different times. Some were well-educated and others were not. For example, one was a doctor. Others were farmers, fishermen, shepherds, prophets, judges, and kings. Even though there were different writers, all parts of the Bible agree. It doesn’t say one thing in one chapter and the opposite in another. The first chapters of the Bible explain how the world’s problems started, and the last chapters tell us how God will solve those problems by making the earth a paradise. The Bible covers thousands of years of human history and shows that God’s purpose is always accomplished.
" Anyways, the Bible was written by more than 66 people approximately. But, in the attachment you will find more info on that. Trust me it will help you greatly!
I can't circle but it is adjustment knot . 60percent conform .
<span>He means that "despite his success and great
importance, Dr. V remains humble". </span>
The writer stayed through one week volunteering at an eye
healing facility in India where a huge number of patients recover their sight
every year. He was profoundly touched by the dedication of Dr. V and his team
to helping their patients. The experience appears to have impacted the writer's
own particular point of view.
They are known as an inselberg or monadnock (/məˈnædnɒk/) is an isolated rock hill, knob, ridge, or small mountain that rises abruptly from a gently sloping or virtually level surrounding plain.
Approach them with a good impression. Show a positive mood to let them know that you are trustworthy enough. Don't rush in the relationship. A positive relationship will come gradually.