I do not believe you answer is right. I believe it would be B the average montly sales for the big toy company. Only documenting the last month is not enough information to make a histogram, and a histogram asks for information based on one subject not multiple subjects. Asking for the number of each type of candy sold last month would make a normal graph comparing the difference in how much each candy sold, so your answer should be B.
Always encrypt data never store anything in plain text someone could use wireshark to pull out a data packet and if the data is not encrypted, expect things to happen.
The code to calculate the area of a circle is:
from math import pi
def circleArea(radius):
if radius > 0:
return pi * (radius ** 2)
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
radius = 5
print("Radius: {} Area: {}".format(radius,circleArea(radius)))
A detailed explanation of each line of code is given below.
#Define the number pi used to calculate the area
from math import pi
#We define a function that calculates the area of a circle
def circleArea(radius):
#Check if the radius is valid ( radius > 0) since there aren´t negative radius
if radius > 0:
#Compute the area formula for a circle
return pi * (radius ** 2)
#Return None if the radius is invalid
return None
#Run the function we´ve defined
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Define a radius
radius = 5
#Call the function and parse the radius through it, then print the result
print("Radius: {} Area: {}".format(radius,circleArea(radius)))
The tropical rain forest is a forest of tall trees in a region of year-round warmth. An average of 50 to 260 inches of rain falls yearly. Rain forests belong to the tropical wet climate group.
- The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 93 °F or drops below 68 °F. The average humidity is between 77 and 88%, rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year. In monsoonal areas, there is a real dry season.
- Rainforests now cover less than 6% of Earth's land surface. Tropical rainforests produce 40% of Earth's oxygen.
- About 1/4 of all the medicines we use come from rainforest plants. Curare comes from a tropical vine, is used as an anesthetic and to relax muscles during surgery. Quinineis used to treat malaria.
- There are four very distinct layers of trees in a tropical rain forest. They are the emergent, upper canopy, understory, and forest floor.
- The soil of the tropical rainforests is shallow, poor in nutrients and without soluble minerals. Years of rainfall have washed away the nutrients in the soil obtained from weathered rocks.
- The tropical rain forest can be found in three major geographical areas around the world.
Central America in the the Amazon river basin. Africa - Zaire basin, with a small area in West Africa. Indo-Malaysia - west coast of India, Assam, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Queensland, Australia.
d. public myClass( ) {. . .}
A constructor is a special method that is called when an object of a class is created. It is also used to initialize the instance variables of the given class. A class may have one or more constructors provided that these constructors have different signatures. A class that does not have a constructor explicitly defined has a default parameterless constructor.
Having said these about a constructor, a few other things are worth to be noted by a constructor.
i. In Java, a constructor has the same name as the name of its class.
For example, in the given class <em>myClass</em>, the constructor(s) should also have the name <em>myClass</em>.
ii. A constructor does not have a return value. It is therefore wrong to write a constructor like this:
<em>public void myClass(){...}</em>
This makes option a incorrect.
iii. When a constructor with parameters is defined, the default parameterless constructor is overridden. This might break the code if some other parts of the program depend on this constructor. So it is advisable to always explicitly write the default parameterless constructor.
This makes option d a correct option.
Other options b and c may also be correct but there is no additional information in the question to help establish or justify that.