Independent Variable : Memory Drug
Dependent Variable : Story Quiz Score
In studying cause effect relationship between two relationships :
The causal variable leading to change in effected Variable is the Independent Variable. The effected variable being changed due to causing variable is the Dependent Variable.
So, studying : 'Memory Drug' impact - on 'Story Retention Quiz Score' implies that Memory Drug is the Independent Variable effecting Story Quiz Score & Story Quiz is the Dependent Variable being affected by Memory Drug.
Probably yes tbh i mean i would say yes not sure
A. two; majority of popular vote
This is true in the sense that, Governorship position term limit in the United States is four years per term and can only serve for two terms, making it eight years. This is in some cases within a certain years period of 12 or 16 years.
Also, the governorship election in the United States is a direct election, which means it is based on popular votes.
You have not described the alternatives, but as an economist I can help you!
The Federal Reserve is the body that decides the direction of US monetary policy. The economic decisions of the agency can be expansive, when they stimulate the economy, or restrictive, when they slow economic growth.
The two main tools the Federal Reserve has in conducting monetary policy are the<u> interest rate</u> and the <u>open market</u>.
We say that monetary policy is restrictive when the Federal Reserve increases the interest rate or sells government bonds (by decreasing the amount of money in circulation). These measures are taken to slow down the economy and prevent the inflationary process.
The opposite occurs when the Federal Reserve buys securities and / or lowers the interest rate, measures that occur to stimulate the economy when economic activity is stagnant.