These are the correct answers...
Question 1- civic responsibility Question 2- make and amend laws Question 3- Localities in Georgia can add a certain percentage of sales tax to their own needQuestion 4- the Supreme Court Question 5- the superior court Question 6- General purpose provide different services special purpose provide specific servicesQuestion 7- The legal guardian should be contacted Question 8- filing a civil lawsuitQuestion 9- they all fall under the super vision of the executive branchQuestion 10- Regional Library
I have seen the last samurai movie
Option: the Babylonians hated their king.
Babylonia flourishes and becomes the largest cities under the rule of Hammurabi. After Hammurabi's death, the empire was divided into small states. New rulers founded a Neo-Babylonian Empire that spread across the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. In 539 B.C., King Cyrus the Great or Cyrus II of Persia conquered Babylon.
People used the telegraph to send messages via Morse Code. Which was a variation of taps on a small pad sending electronic pulses that would make a beeping sound. There would be someone on the other end that would listen to the pulses and write them down into words
The Democratic Party was the party of slavery, and is the party of unequal treatment based on race, rather than equal opportunity based on merit.
Andrew Jackson was related to the Democratic Party, as it was widely known with it's history of impeding on people's rights based on skin-color or national origin. He also was the embodiment of many of the beliefs of the Democratic Party. Firstly, he embraced the usage of slavery, and was a ardent holder of slaves. The Democratic Party had always worked for keeping the institution of slavery as a means of not only workforce and profit, but also as a way to degrade "non-whites" into being second-class humans, (also commonly known as sub-humans). Piggy-backing off of the issue of slavery, Jackson also campaigned against many of the Native American tribes that were located to the west of the then-US, starting wars and taking lands from the defeated Native American tribes. Again, the Native American tribes were classified as sub-humans, and did not receive any benefits that would generally be implied to a white-US citizen.
This led to the unpopularity of Jackson within the Whig-Republican circles, and he was succeeded by Martin van Buren.