The appointed judge does not run against an opponent.
A retention election is a type of election or voting process for the judges in practice. It is also known as judicial retention. It is a process which takes place at regular intervals where a judge in practice is subjected to a referendum whereby the voters are asked to vote whether the judge should continue for a second term or should be removed form the office.
In such processes, the judges loses very rarely because in this election process, the incumbent judge does have any opponent to contest against. It is the will of voters to decide whether a judge will continue the office or not.
The missionary is expressing a theistic view and the tribal people are expressing an animistic view.
Theistic means relating to or characterized by belief in the existence of a god or gods.
Animistic is the religious belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence.
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The Anasazi culture constructed mud and stone homes on the side of cliffs.
What are the Anasazi cliff dwellings made of?
The Anasazi built their dwellings under overhanging cliffs to protect them from the elements. Using blocks of sandstone and a mud mortar, the tribe crafted some of the world's longest standing structures.
What is the best description of the Anasazi?
The Anasazi are best known for: their sophisticated dwellings. creating a complex network of roadways, transportation systems, and communication routes. making ornate and highly functional pottery.
What was unusual about the Anasazi?
The Anasazi tribe was also noted for their unique skills as village dwelling farmers. In addition, the Anasazi people were very crafty in the production of foods, through the use of dry farming (relying on melted snow and rain) and ditch irrigation.
Learn more about Anasazi cliff :
<u>Price system in economics, is component of the economic system which uses the prices that are expressed in any form of the money for valuation and the distribution of the goods and the services and factors of the production.</u> All modern societies use the price systems to allocate the resources except for the possible remote and the primitive communities.
Price system can be either the fixed price system in which the prices are administered by the government organization, or it may be the free price system where the prices are determined by the supply and the demand uninhibited by the regulations.
B. Who is Hippocrates?
Hippocrates was a Greek philosopher and physician popularly regarded as the father of medicine. He was credited as the first person to explain the process of disease in relation with the human body. The old superstitious belief about illness before Hippocrates theory was that illness were caused by wrath from a god or evil spirit. Hippocrates demystified this belief by studying human body with rational explanations to symptoms of illness. He explained that abnormal behavior was due to some biological process in the body.