Do further testing on the species to discover whether or not the species is related.
Answer: double helix
Explanation: The double helix of DNA is, like its name implies, in the shape of a helix which is essentially a three dimensional spiral. The double comes from the fact that the helix is made of two long strands of DNA that are intertwined—sort of like a twisted ladder.
one gamete from each locus (position of chromosomes). The parent with genotype will produce the gametes as: The heterozygous diploid pair of gives two different gametes, say and . Similarly the heterozygous diploid pair of , gives and .
This is just an educated guess. As the purple pigment, caused by anthocyanins, are on the bottom side of the plant, their purpose could probably be to direct the light.
Specifically, a purple pigment on the bottom of the plant would absorb certain wavelengths near the purple spectrum, and reflect other wavelengths back toward the portion of the plant with chlorophyll. In this way, light does not simply pass through the leaf, instead it is reflected back in towards the chlorophyll to maximize the amount of light being used for photosynthesis.
el acetil-CoA necesario para la síntesis de colesterol puede provenir de la vía glucolítica
El colesterol es fundamental para la formación de las membranas celulares, actuando como mediador del grado de fluidez en las membranas; además, esta molécula actúa como precursor de hormonas esteroideas y ácidos biliares. La sintesís de colesterol empieza con la condensación de acetil-CoA y acetacetil-CoA:
Acetil-CoA + Acetacetil-CoA + H2O >>> 3-hidroxi-3-metil-glutaril-CoA
Ahora bien, el acetil-CoA para este proceso puede ser producido por la degradación hasta piruvato del excedente de glúcidos mediante de la vía glucolítica. Este reacción se produce dentro de la mitocondria, donde el piruvato produce acetil-CoA.