It's not adrenaline since that's the flight or fight chemical your body releases in cases of danger and meth has nothing to do with it.
It's not THC since that's the chemical in marijuana that gives you the dopamine rush, which is unrelated to meth
It's not Hormones, this one just doesn't make sense.
A medicine is a chemical substance that is used to treat, prevent or diagnose a disease.
taking deep breaths and call her mom or look for her (in the house)
3 & 4 are the right answers.
Profit earned from services, lenders, and investors is the private companies that provide profitable funding options for private healthcare business. They provide money to start a business and they take money back with interests in return.
On the other hand, government grants and charitable donations provide non-profit healthcare. They provide funds for public benefits.
there are three different types of neurons in the human body