To compare fractions , you need to have same denominator.
Just multiply the Numerator and denominator of the fraction by required number so as to get the common denominator.
for example, In this case , the common denominator is 12.
the first fraction is converted as shown, 5/3=5*4/3*4=20/12
similarly, you can convert others.
Once you have common denominator, just compare numerators.
9514 1404 393
Rotation 90° CCW
Step-by-step explanation:
Note that Figure 1 has a small appendage off the larger rectangle. That appendage is pointing East (to the right).
In Figure 2, that same appendage is pointing North (up).
If you are facing East and you want to face North, you will find that you need to turn 90° in the counterclockwise direction. That is the transformation that was done here:
rotation 90° CCW about the origin
Step-by-step explanation:100.8-98.6=2.2
B, you are correct
Area of the bigger trapezoid = (6 + 2) x 1/2 x 6 = 8 x 1/2 x 6 = 4 x 6 = 24
Area of the smaller trapezoid = (4 + 2) x 1/2 x 3 = 6 x 1/2 x 3 = 3 x 3 = 9
<h2>Area of the shaded area = 24 - 9 = 15</h2>
<em>Hope that helps! :)</em>
<em>Hope that helps! :)</em>
Step-by-step explanation: