Beause we cut down a lot of trees. Often, so many, that the health of a forest is irreparably damaged. A forest is not just a bunch of trees. It is a whole ecosystem, in which the trees anchor the growth of many other plant and animal species, hold the ground together to prevent erosion, and produce a lot of oxygen to support animal life. If you harvest too many of the trees, the local ecosystem stops being a forest and starts turning into something else
The lymphatic system includes a network of vessels, ducts, and nodes, as well as organs and diffuse tissue that support the circulatory system. These structures help to filter harmful substances from the bloodstream. Your Welcome.
1. Roots: anchor the plant in soil and absorb water and minerals
2: Stem: Holds the plant upright and bear leaves, branches and fruits.
3. Leaves: Carry out photosynthesis to make food for other plant parts.
4. Flower: serves as organ of reproduction to maintain the continuity of the species.
1. Roots: The cells of roots are specialized to penetrate the soil deep to anchor the plant and absorb water and minerals for nutrition of plants.
2: Stem: The cells of stem impart mechanical strength to keep the plant upright and bear leaves, branches and fruits.
3. Leaves: Cells of leaves have chlorophyll pigment to carry out photosynthesis to make food for other plant parts.
4. Flower: Some of the cells of flowers produce male and female gametes that fuse leading to seed formation. Seed germination maintains the continuity of the species.