I would say spend less time on optional activities and spend a little while to study each day.
What I personally like to do while I'm studying/reviewing is fill out only two note cards. This forces you to find the most important parts of what you learned, and often times, that's what comes on the test :)
There is a difference between the emotional tears associated with crying and the release of moisturizing tears that are needed for eye health and comfort. It is possible that the gland that produces your tears of crying has been impaired on one side. It is also possible that the system of tear drainage from the opposite eye has been partially obstructed and thus makes that eye appear to tear more. I suggest you see you ophthalmologist and discuss these issues with him/her.
OK so basically as we age are muscles and bones tend to become weaker and as that happens injuries may occur more often and usually we can no longer heal fully/properly because our bodies can no longer keep up with the injury.
I believe b but it is kinda hard question
No I believe that people are capable of caring for themselves hope this helps