One of the primary reasons for the reinvigoration of slavery was the invention and rapid widespread adoption of the cotton gin. This machine allowed Southern planters to grow a variety of cotton - short staple cotton - that was especially well suited to the climate of the Deep South.
Answer:a.Anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa, which is commonly called anorexia is an eating disorder that makes a person have an extreme fear of gaining weight such that they start to extremely restrict their food intake and they have abnormal desire to be thin.
The person may be extremely thin but they see themselves as overweight, but in reality they are underweight. They will vomit , take laxatives and use any dieting method, even when they have lost a lot of weight they still can't see it.
They may also over exercise , lose weight but still feel overweight.
This is a life threatening disorder that is driven by emotional issues because a person usually feels like being thin is equal to being worthy.
A person starve themselves constantly and they have unrealistic weight loss goals. An abnormal fear of gaining weight even though the person may already be too thin.
Answer: principle of least interest is the correct answer.
There were specific terms used to divide people into different classes based on their parents races
Answer:C) Conspicuous consumption
Conspicuous consumption occurs when people spend money on luxurious materials for the sake of being seen as economical powerful or people who earns a lot of money or who have acquired wealth. This public display of wealth by buying luxurious materials is aimed at maintaining a particular high social status.
Conspicuous consumption aims at getting those around envious of what one has as they display it publicly.conspicuous compassion is another form in which people get engaged with charity in order to be noticeable within society as the powerful and wealth members.
Lindsey buy a hummer which is an expensive car that will draw eyes from his peers and make her look powerful and wealth hence increasing her social status.