The inclined plane is studied by mechanics and, to calculate it, we use Newton's Second Law.
Is a block of mass “m” supported by an inclined ramp at an angle? with respect to the horizontal plane. Despise the friction.
Forces acting on the body are: image 1
P: Force weight = P = m.g
Where: g = 9,8 m / s2
m = body mass given in kg.
FN: Normal reaction force to the plane.
When we neglect friction we notice that the body moves downwards. image 2
Colchicine is a drug that can prevent the formation of microtubules. By blocking the synthesis of spindle microtubules, it will stop mitosis in cell division.
A traditional anti-mitotic medication called colchicine prevents mitotic cells from dividing during metaphase. It forms tubulin-colchicine complexes with soluble tubulin in an imperfectly reversible way, which bind to the ends of microtubules to stop the elongation of the microtubule polymer.
Colchicine is an alkaloid from the Colchicum autumnale plant that prevents microtubule polymerization, which is thought to be necessary for collagen production. This substance is therefore thought to function as an antifibrotic substance by inhibiting collagen production and deposition.
To learn more about Colchicine, refer
1. you must be a citizen
2. you must be 18 years old
The importance of the rule of law with these principles is self-evident. In our system, it is the foundation of governance. Under the rule of law, citizens can live and work safely. They will not be subjected to arbitrary government and are protected against any abuse of power by the state.