The Process in which pesticides are stored in body tissues is known as Bio-Accumulation.
When pesticides get into our body through eating food which is not go through the process of metabolism or which is not excreted, that is stored in fatty tissues of the body and as time passes we may build up high concentration of pesticides in our body. Pesticides are the chemical compounds used for killing pests, bacteria etc.
in my opinion lol
Why : bc our mind is still active even while we r sleeping i think
What: to imagine things that will never happen but what we want.
In molecular biology, a hybridization probe is a fragment of DNA or RNA of variable length which can be radioactively or fluorescently labeled. It can then be used in DNA or RNA samples to detect the presence of nucleotide substances that are complementary to the sequence in the probe.DNA probes are stretches of single-stranded DNA used to detect the presence of complementary nucleic acid sequences (target sequences) by hybridization. DNA probes are usually labelled, for example with radioisotopes, epitopes, biotin or fluorophores to enable their detection.
En biología molecular, una sonda de hibridación es un fragmento de ADN o ARN de longitud variable que puede marcarse de forma radiactiva o fluorescente. Luego puede usarse en muestras de ADN o ARN para detectar la presencia de sustancias nucleotídicas que son complementarias a la secuencia en la sonda. Las sondas de ADN son tramos de ADN monocatenario utilizados para detectar la presencia de secuencias complementarias de ácido nucleico (secuencias diana) por hibridación Las sondas de ADN generalmente están marcadas, por ejemplo, con radioisótopos, epítopos, biotina o fluoróforos para permitir su detección.
A scientific theory is a theory that explains the scientist's observations, whereas a scientific law is a repeated pattern in the world that we have not sought an explanation for.