Static web pages are sent as it is at web server without being processed additionally.
Dynamic web pages content may change, and server hosting dynamic web pages return content after processing trough a program.
Examples of dynamic and static web pages are below
<em><u>dynamic websites</u></em>
f o o t y r o o m (.co) It is a football website. Displays latest highlights and football stats. It is dynamic because it gives live match scores, as the scores change, content change as well.
a c c u w e a t h e r (.com) It shows weather information. It is dynamic because when requested, displays current weather information.
x e (.com) It is a currency website. Dynamic because it shows live exchange rates.
<em><u>static websites</u></em>
s c i p y - l e c t u r e s (.org) It is a website about scientific python environment. It is static because it gives same content whenever requested.
d o g a c a n d u . b l o g s p o t (.com) it is a blog. Static because the requested content doesn't change unless the blogger adds a new story.
z t a b l e (.net) It is a website about z-score values and includes z-tables. It is static because its displayed as it is.
It helps you determine the amount of watts a turbine produces because math is the only way to go
Validation: Understanding and showing acceptance for another person
To make the group of four we can write 100011 as 00100011
Now, the two groups are:- 0010 and 0011
And 0010 in binary corresponds to 3 in Hexadecimal
And 0011 in binary corresponds to 4 in Hexadecimal.
So, 100011 of binary corresponds to 34 of hex.
Most likely not but I think you’ll have to log in your account like if you have an Apple phone . You’ll have to log into your Apple ID