Land disputes. There was a strip of land along the Ohio River Valley that was located West of Great Britain’s 13 colonies that both Britain and France had both claimed was their’s. There were also some land disputes over a part of Canada just about the Great Lakes (present-day Ontario).
Answer:Natural rights.
Locke said that the most important natural rights are "Life, Liberty, and Property". In the United States Declaration of Independence, the natural rights mentioned are "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"
I only have the answer to number one
1. No bc hes pasted
The correct answer is legislature
Policy plans created to address a societal problem can be adopted by the <u>legislature</u>.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan
The five pillars – the declaration of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm) and pilgrimage (hajj) – constitute the basic norms of Islamic practice. They are accepted by Muslims globally irrespective of ethnic, regional or sectarian differences.