The boolean expression is the expression which can be evaluated to true or false. This true/false is called boolean value. An if statement is used to check a condition which often contains the boolean expression which can either evaluate to true or false.
a. x > y > z </h2>
This line means that the value of variable x is greater than the value of variable y and the value of variable y is greater than the value of variable z.
This means:
x is greater than y AND y is greater than z
x > y AND y > z
in JAVA x > y && y > z
using if statement if(x > y && y > z)
it can also be written as: if (x > y && x > z && y >z)
<h2>b. x and y are both less than 0</h2>
This statement means that the value of variable x and the value of variable y are less than 0
This means: (x AND y) = 0
in JAVA (x&&y)==0
using if statement: if ((num&&hum)==0)
This can also be written as x < 0 AND y < 0
In JAVA x < 0 && y < 0
using if statement if (x < 0 && y < 0)
c. neither x nor y is less than 0</h2>
This statement means that neither the value of x variable nor the value of y variable is less than 0. This clearly means that the value of x and value of y both values are greater than or equal to 0.
this means:
x > = 0 AND y > = 0
In JAVA x > = 0 && y > = 0
Using if statement if(x > = 0 && y > = 0)
It can also be written as (x && y > = 0)
if(x && y > = 0)
d. x is equal to y but not equal to z</h2>
This statement means that the value of x is equal to the value of y but the value of x is not equal to the value of z.
This means
x = y but x ≠ z
x=y AND x≠z
In JAVA x==y && x!=z
Using if statement if (x == y && x != z)
it can also be written as if (x == y && y != z)
If x is equal to y so this means that the value of x and y will be the same and both the values will not be equal to the value of z.