Eye Remember Enterprises
In finance, standard deviation is the mostly used metric that is used to determine stability or variability and relative risk of investments.
Standard deviation in finance shows the the historical volatility of an investment when it is applied to that investment's annual rate of return.
When the standard deviation of securities is high, the variance between the mean price and price of each security will also be high. Likewise, when the standard deviation of securities is low, the variance between the mean and price of each security will also be low.
The standard deviation of volatile stock is usually high, while a stable stock usually has a low standard deviation.
Therefore, the stock of Eye Remember Enterprises would give Clara a stable long-term investment because the standard deviation of its prices of $1.05 is lower than $9.65 which is the standard deviation of stock prices of Masterful Pocket Watches.
Below is a summary of the net cash flows from investing operations for the year.
flow of money from investments
Equipment purchase: $260,000
$87,000 was earned from the sale of equipment.
Land purchase: $91,000
-$264,000 in net cash flow was utilised for investing activities.
Sales are a cash inflow, so they would be added, whereas the purchase is a cash outflow, so it would be reflected as a minus sign.
To learn more about cash flows from the given link.
C. Moral hazard.
Moral hazard is the risk that a party has not gone into an agreement in compliance with common decency or has given deceiving data about its assets, liabilities, or credit capacity. Moral hazards can be available whenever two parties come into concurrence with each other. Each party in an agreement may have the chance to pick up from acting in opposition to the standards spread out by the agreement.
Predatory Pricing is the practice whereby a foreign producer intentionally sells its products in the United States for less than the cost of production to undermine the competition and take control of the market.
hen there is a situation in the market whereby the products are sold at a cost very low than the cost of other suppliers refers to the predatory pricing. When predatory pricing is practiced then the suppliers with lower price will alone survive in the market making all the other suppliers to forcefully leave the market.
This kind of act is illegal. This is because predatory pricing will eradicate the competition. The main aim of this type of pricing is to eliminate the small business from the market. In the given scenario, a foreign producer is selling its products intentionally at lower price in U.S for the lower cost than the cost of production and takes the market to its control which is an example of Predatory Pricing.
The answer is Job perfomance= Motivation x Ability x Situational x Constraints
Because in this formula, job performance is how well someone performs the requirements of the job, motivation is the degree to which someone works hard to do the job well, ability is the degree to which workers possess the knowledge, skills, and talent to do the job well, and situational constraints are factors beyond the individual control of the empolyees. Such as policies, resources. Since job perfomance is a multiple function of motivation times ability times situational constraints, the job performance wil decline if one of those elements is considered insuficient.