Convent bonding of cross linking constrain polymer chains from relative movements. the degree of cross linking will correlate with the stiffness of the polymer. highly cross-linked polymers will also have a high resistance to creep as the chains cannot move into new positions.
In biology or human geography,population growth is the increase in the number of individuals in apopulation. Global human populationgrowth amounts to around 83 million annually, or 1.1% per year. The globalpopulation has grown from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.616 billion in 2018.
The answer should be oxygen
d) polyps; calcium carbonate
The Acanthaster planci It is a kind of invasive starfish, which destroys corals: it has poisonous spines and feeds on coral polyps at the expense of the reef.
On the other hand, CO2 reacts with water, forming carbonic acid and reducing the available calcium carbonate, an essential element so that marine organisms, from clams to hedgehogs, can form their skeletons and shells.
Because depending on weather or not there is oxygen in the blood the flow and speed will be different from the heart because its coming from the direct source