During an El Niño, the trade winds weaken in the central and western Pacific. Surface water temperatures off South America warm up, because there is less upwelling of the cold water from below to cool the surface. The clouds and rainstorms associated with warm ocean waters also shift toward the east.
<span>About the conservation of energy. Suppose you are in a vacuum and you bunch a basketball. You will notice that no matter how much you will leave the ball bunching the ball will never stop. That happens because the ball develops both potential and kinetic energy, the sum of those two give us the mechanical energy which remains constant. We have to suppose that friction is zero otherwise you have to count for thermal loses. </span>I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.
First, the yellow fever virus is phagocytosed by white blood cells. The phagocytosed white blood cell then travel through the lymph vessel. Since lymph node contain white blood and filter lymph, the yellow fever phagocytosed with white blood cell establish in the lymph node.
<span>Ability to multiply.
Hope this helped :)</span>