The most common form of slave resistance was running away
Sea of Darkness
Before the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, many of the early sailors call the Atlantic ocean s sea of darkness. European called the mysterious sea to have monsters and the fear, scared sailors who did not want to cross the Ocean. This myth was broken by Columbus when he decided to take a new sea route from the East to find India.
The South Sudanese authorities have allowed impunity to flourish over serious human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed since brutal conflict broke out in December 2013, prosecuting only one case, Amnesty International said in a new report today. “ Do you think we will prosecute ourselves: No prospects for accountability in South Sudan ” reveals a justice system that is crippled by a lack of independence.
Over the course of Better Call Saul, Howard Hamlin turns from a villain into one of the good guys - but that's not how people will remember him.
A complete and utter failure that was just a front by other countries to keep prosperity whilst also persecuting Germany and leading to the second world war