“M<span>enorrhagia” </span>is the technical word for it. It means you have heavy and long periods. It can also be shown if you have to change your pads quite often.
The answer is joint pain and dysfunction. However, no all patients suffer these symptoms early after the injury.
It has been shown that joint injuries increase the risk of osteoarthritis. After a trauma that caused traumatic osteoarthritis, the joint can remain asymptomatic, however 50% of patients develop symptoms at 3 - 8 years. The classic symptoms of this are: joint pain and dysfunction. However, the majority of patients suffering from traumatic osteoarthritis in the hand, they develop radiographic progression at 10 years after trauma. Also, the more joints that have been affected, the greater the deterioration.
Obviously it would be different for you with your story but here's mine.
When I was about four years old, my parents divorced and I was devastated. I hated being away from my mom or my dad. Plus listening to other kids talk about how they're going on a "family trip" when my family was separated. Then my dad moved away and I felt really down from when I was about seven to eight. Although then I realized that I'm pretty lucky to have a mom and a dad who love, and care for me, even if they are apart at least I have them. Also knowing that I'm lucky to have a home, running water , electricity,etc. Now I'm older and whenever I have to leave my mom or dad, I'm not sad , instead I feel great ful to be spending time with whoever I'm with at the moment.
Answer: playing singles tennis or a bike on a hilly surface