<em>This type of data are not measurement of anything , so it is not feasible to calculate their average(Mean)
Step-by-step explanation:T
<em>The data are at the level of measurement that are Nominal</em>
In level of nominal measurement, letters, numeric and alpha-numeric, words, symbols are used to classify data in the example stated.</em>
Now we recall that,</em>
<em>Brown hair = 100,</em>
<em>Blond hair = 200,</em>
<em>Black hair = 300</em>
<em>Anything else = 400</em>
<em>Thus, 100, 200, 300, 400 are used as code numbers for hair colors and does not have any importance to their values numerically.</em>
<em>There is no arithmetic solutions such as average, total which cannot be solved using these numbers.</em>
<em>Therefore the average mean calculated is not feasible</em>